The facts:
Kirk Crippens
Going South - Big Sur
Published by Schilt Publishing.
Available in stores and online for €50 / £45 / $55
80 pages with 44 images in full color

Kirk Crippens book “Going South - Big Sur” chronicles the effect of a long period of drought on the people and landscape of one of America’s most beautiful areas. As you can see from the excerpts from his introduction it wasn’t an easy trek for him to capture these large format color photographs.
From Kirk Crippen’s introduction to the book:
“If you look for Big Sur as you drive through, you will not find a particular point or town, yet stretched out between Monterey to the north and San Simeon to the south is this magical corridor between mountains and sea called Big Sur.”
“In the winter of 2017, when heavy rains followed a long period of drought, the highway bridge to the north of Big Sur slid down the wet hillside, rendering the road impassable from the north.”
“Big Sur was accessible only by an hour’s trek through the forest, so I lugged my large format camera, tripod and dozens of film holders in and out on the trail and then along the empty highway. I recorded what I could: the devastation that mudslides caused at Deetjen’s; Nepenthe’s parking lot, empty on a Saturday night; hillsides blackened by illegal campers’ fires; members of the local fire brigade and residents digging out and rebuilding.”
More info on the book and where to purchase it is below.