The facts:
Danny Lyon: Thirty Photographs 1962-1980
Published by Etherton Gallery
135 South 6th Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85701
520 624-7370

In the early 70’s, I was making my bones in the creative end of advertising. I was a poor church mouse and budding photo enthusiast, and one day I walked into the local bookstore and saw a stack of photo books being remaindered for $2.00. That was the extent of my budget for anything other than rent, food, and secondhand clothes. The book being remaindered was Danny Lyon’s “Conversations With the Dead” and it was one of the most fortunate photoweenie purchases I have ever made. That book, along with a few others that I was able to purchase at that time, changed my perception about what documentary photography could accomplish.
Since then I have purchased all of Danny Lyon’s books and a number of his original prints. One print has had a prominent space on the wall of my home studio for over 30 years.
Etherton Gallery has published “Danny Lyon: Thirty Photographs 1962-1980”. Produced in an edition of ten, each portfolio contains 30, 11 x 14-inch gelatin silver prints, a colophon, and an essay by Terry Etherton, President of Etherton Gallery, and is housed in an attractive, handcrafted clamshell box. The photographs selected for the portfolio combine Lyon’s most iconic images with Etherton’s personal favorites. The portfolio is the product of collaboration among Terry Etherton and Etherton Gallery, Danny Lyon, master printer Chuck Kelton of Kelton Labs, and Jace Graf of Cloverleaf Studio.